Ben Moss is our college pastor and helps lead our church toward the things Jesus has called us to, as such he is heavily involved in preaching, equipping disciplemakers, and reaching out to those in our community that are disconnected from Jesus and His people.
Ben is a two time graduate of Baylor University, including a bachelor’s degree in Education and master’s degree in Spanish. Ben also recently became a doctor through completing his PhD in Educational Leadership at TCU. He has worked as a university professor, student activities liaison, lived overseas and started a small tutoring business, all while loving Jesus, making disciples and sharing Christ with those around him. Ben and his wife, Charlotte, live in Fort Worth near TCU.
Ben has served in college ministry in both US and International contexts for the past 7 years. As a college student, his heart was captivated by the vision of college students living wholeheartedly for Jesus. The AFW college ministry lives out this passion through discipleship and community. Ben believes that college students are in such a position to experience God so that they can turn around and be a blessing to the world!